Countercheck is a global service provider that blocks suspected parcels containing counterfeit products before they reach the end consumer. An innovative orchestrated collaboration of logistic partners and brand owners, a state of the art software solution and a rock solid process, identifies, intercepts and seizes counterfeits on their last mile to the customer.
"The Countercheck solution falls into the Know Your Customer software; our AI software analyzes 10+ variables such as labels, material, and weight looking for suspicious characteristics to create a risk profile of each parcel. To ensure a legal and efficient procedure, Countercheck works closely with governmental bodies and law enforcement."
With thousands of small parcels containing counterfeit goods of world-leading brands blocked every month in each logistics hub, we aim to create firewalls around every country, every nation and every city. It is our goal to become the Global Firewall for parcels and packages.
With our anti-counterfeiting technology, no parcel goes unchecked!