Robert Brewer Young, Matterfine
Robert Brewer Young
Creative Director

Robert Brewer Young stands among the world’s most active and respected violinmakers. Trained as a luthier in the artist’s studios of Carnegie Hall in New York, Robert has cared for scores of instruments by Stradivari, Guarneri and other classical Italian masters. He is now devoted exclusively to making signature instruments in the spirit of these Cremonese visionaries. Robert’s cellos, violins and violas are played by soloists and in orchestras around the world. His clientele includes members of The Stockholm, Los Angeles and New York Philharmonics, the San Francisco, Seattle and Shanghai Symphonies, The Kirov and Paris Opera Orchestras, Harvard University, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

As a cello maker, Robert Brewer Young is represented by J & A Beare for whom he makes a limited number of instruments each year.

Before focusing on violinmaking, Robert studied Photography at the San Francisco Art Institute and restored antiquarian books in Paris and New York. He uses these skills in his role as designated researcher and restorer of the Hill Archive. He is currently completing doctoral work in mathematics and logic and is on the faculty of the European Graduate School in Switzerland as a lecturer in philosophy.